Wednesday, March 20, 2013

remember and know.

we need to “…remember that at one time [we were] separated from Christ…strangers to the covenants of promise , having no hope and without God in the world”.                                                                                                                        Ephesians 2:11,12

and we need to know who our Father is,,
and we need to know who we are as His son or daughter,,
and we need to know what our inheritance is because of the first two,,

because that's when we're free.

free from ourselves and therefore free from the fear of man, free from the fear of rejection, free from offense and bitterness,
and free to be compelled by love,, unconditionally and unreservedly.

[Identity is everything].

because we are Kingdom carriers, and when we remember who we were and know who we are,, His Kingdom is manifested.

and this world is in need of His manifest Presence and Kingdom.

{know who you are in Him,, and walk in that reality}. 

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