This week’s Swallowed up in Light photo(s).

the moments when we quiet ourselves enough to hear His voice,, and the Word echoes loud[[I will make you as a light for the nations,
that My salvation may reach to the end of the earth.]]

the moments when we’re faced with a need, and with a choice,
and we realize, [[what excuse do we have really?]]

truth that His ways truly are so much higher than ours.

the moments when a life poured out at the feet of Jesus, like the precious perfume of an alabaster jar, means a life poured out in the darkest areas of the world for the least of these.

[Because there are those who hear the call,, and then there are those who heed the call. ]
and the context of the words “behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” has never been so clear, and the promise has never been sweeter.
[[Pray for Sarah,, missionary to India.]].
Lovely! Praying for you, Sarah. Blessings on your trip to India and all that The Lord has for you there. Love, Aunt Katie