Friday, November 7, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
of burden bearing and casting cares.
a little encouragement for your thursday morning.
So, how does the Spirit work in us in the midst of our hard times?
[His power is released only as we receive Him as our burden bearer].
The Holy Spirit is abiding in us, waiting to take control of every situation in our lives. If we continue in fear[anxiety, stress, discouragement], we have not received Him as our Comforter, Helper, Guide, Rescuer and Strength. Our witness to the lost world is, first, to cast our every burden on the Holy Spirit.
Have you done this?
-David Wilkerson "God is Faithful".
Friday, September 19, 2014
-the maximum amount that something can contain.
-the ability or power to do, experience, or
understand something.
we all have one.
our own natural and finite limitations.
that certain "storehouse" with a little
bit of overflow room that slowly but surely, or seemingly quickly reaches its
and these bones they just grow weary.
and the physical lists and lists in my mind are
filling up way too much space.
and it feels like i'm just running out.
of strength.
and space.
and patience.
and space.
and patience.
and a way to get it all done,
but more importantly,
a way get it all done right, and beautifully, and whole-hardheartedly.
a way get it all done right, and beautifully, and whole-hardheartedly.
and there's a place for prioritizing.
and budgeting our time and obligations.
but sometimes with the season comes the demand that
just cannot be altered,
and the supply just doesn't seem to cut it.
and just like the hard drive that I'm writing this
my personal hard drive is. just. full.
and it feels just nearly impossible some days.
especially when all i look at is my lack.
lack of time,
and space,
and energy.
and sleep.
and moments to just sit back and breathe a little
and of course.
He whispers loud to the soul.
and it's not just the words, but the way that He
says them.
[[your capacity in Me is far
greater than you realize]].
and the realization comes.
i'm no longer marked, stunted, held back by and
defined by
my own natural ability and power.
because the truth is,
"in [Jesus] the whole fullness of deity dwells
bodily, and [i] have been filled in Him, who is the head of all rule and
authority' (colossians 2:9-10).
and when i realize and remember that i contain the
One who cannot be contained, inside of me,
His infinite, limitless capacity becomes my own,
and i tap into something completely outside myself.
and suddenly i'm living 2 Corinthians 12:8-10.
seeing the fleshing out of the word because the Word become flesh now takes up
residence in me.
And what better hope do we have?
than the reality that His strength is made perfect
in our weakness.
and it crushes the lie that He sees my weakness as
when really He says,
here. in this place of
desperation. inability.
this is where your victory lies.
this is where your victory lies.
because this is where the proud are humbled and humble are exalted.
and He takes His rightful place in our hearts, and minds and souls.
and so i come back to the place of living this REST.
with the Lord of the Sabbath living in me.
with His burden and His yoke upon me, amazed at how
light and easy it really is.
because knowing the reality of His presence and Spirit within me,
and owning it are two totally different things.
because knowing the reality of His presence and Spirit within me,
and owning it are two totally different things.
and i breathe deep.
for what feels like the first time since who knows when.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
walking in the Spirit.
[be encouraged].
"don't focus on getting direction now-- that's all settled. There is something more important at hand. you must get to know God's heart, eternal purposes.
if you really want My anointing--you need to seek more than direction from Me. you need to come into My presence and get to know My heart, My desires. you see, I want to anoint you--to use you in My Kingdom".
beloved, forget direction-- in fact, forget everything else for now. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you the deep hidden things of God. Stand still in His presence, and let Him show you the very heart of the Lord. That is the walk of the Spirit in the highest form.
from God is Faithful by david wilkerson
"don't focus on getting direction now-- that's all settled. There is something more important at hand. you must get to know God's heart, eternal purposes.
if you really want My anointing--you need to seek more than direction from Me. you need to come into My presence and get to know My heart, My desires. you see, I want to anoint you--to use you in My Kingdom".
beloved, forget direction-- in fact, forget everything else for now. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you the deep hidden things of God. Stand still in His presence, and let Him show you the very heart of the Lord. That is the walk of the Spirit in the highest form.
from God is Faithful by david wilkerson
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
my Banner.
the strain.
the weariness.
the sifting.
amidst the unknowns.
the waiting.
the silence.
amidst the longings.
the unfulfilled words and dreams.
the "not yets".
and the "soons".
amidst the perseverance.
the patience.
the pressing on.
and pressing in.
there is a banner hung high.
and it covers me.
because the Upholder of my life,
His name is Jehovah Nissi-- [the Lord is my Banner].
and i soak in Exodus 17.
because when all looked like fail.
like loss.
like impossible.
God shattered the doubt, the fear, the dismay.
He promised.
He--- [[promised]].
He promised >>this will not end in defeat<<.and Moses believed.
and God came through.
and the people prevailed.
"And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Jehovah-nissi"
and i hoist it up high.
never to be lowered.
because when the Lord is your banner.
victory is always certain.
and right here.
amidst it all.
before full breakthrough is seen.
like Moses,
I build an altar.
an altar of praise.
with my banner lifted high and myself pressed low.
"Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—
and isn't that just it?
this place where praise actually means sacrifice.
with the weight of it all causing us to bend.
and break.
because that covering, that shell, that self-protecting amniotic sac,
it has to break
for something to be birthed.
for newness to come forth.
for Him to do a new thing.
and so,
as you're bending and breaking.
brought low.
let your praise lift your Banner high.
and "
because our victory is certain.
and He's ushering a new thing forth.
taking our weak, broken, empty places
and birthing life through them.
beautiful, new, abundant life.
Monday, March 17, 2014
word of encouragement[fear not, little flock].
the word He's laid on my heart tonight,
to share.
to encourage.
to strengthen.
[[ I am El Roi-- the God who sees.
nothing is hidden from My sight.
I see you.
now consider the ravens.
they neither sow nor reap,
they have neither storehouse nor barn,
and yet I feed them.
>> of how much more value are you than the birds!<<
do not be anxious.
do not turn to fleshly wisdom.
do not give over to the spirit of doubt.
I am Your Father.
and I know what you have need of.
do not fear.
let My perfect love cast it out.
walk in faith.
because it's there that your hope becomes expectation.
and you will have eyes to spiritually see
that which hasn't come to fruition yet,
and authority to speak of things that aren't
as if they are.
seek first My Kingdom,
which is not a matter of eating and drinking,
but of righteousness
and peace
and joy
in the Holy Spirit.
keep your eyes on ME.
because I am El Roi-- the God who sees.]].
to share.
to encourage.
to strengthen.
[[ I am El Roi-- the God who sees.
nothing is hidden from My sight.
I see you.
now consider the ravens.
they neither sow nor reap,
they have neither storehouse nor barn,
and yet I feed them.
>> of how much more value are you than the birds!<<
do not be anxious.
do not turn to fleshly wisdom.
do not give over to the spirit of doubt.
I am Your Father.
and I know what you have need of.
do not fear.
let My perfect love cast it out.
walk in faith.
because it's there that your hope becomes expectation.
and you will have eyes to spiritually see
that which hasn't come to fruition yet,
and authority to speak of things that aren't
as if they are.
seek first My Kingdom,
which is not a matter of eating and drinking,
but of righteousness
and peace
and joy
in the Holy Spirit.
keep your eyes on ME.
because I am El Roi-- the God who sees.]].
Thursday, February 27, 2014
kitchen life [[tabbouleh]].
this was one of my
summertime dinner favesss.
so i'm vicariously enjoying the summer in the frozen tundra through food.
super easy, and delicious.. and with 40grams or more of whole wheat per serving.. who can go wrong?
2 cups low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth
1 cup quick-cooking bulgar wheat, such as Bob’s Red Mill
2 Tablespoons olive oil
juice of 2 lemons
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
½ bunch fresh flat-leaf parsley, leaves finely chopped
¼ medium red onion, finely chopped
½ teaspoon kosher salt
bring the broth to a boil in a large saucepan.
pour in the bulgar, cover, remove from the heat, and let sit for 1 hour; drain.
combine the bulgar, olive oil, and lemon juice in a large serving bowl.
mix in the tomato, parsley and onion.
season with the salt.
note: tabbouleh is best when made ahead; at a minimum let stand for half hour before serving.
so i'm vicariously enjoying the summer in the frozen tundra through food.
super easy, and delicious.. and with 40grams or more of whole wheat per serving.. who can go wrong?

2 cups low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth
1 cup quick-cooking bulgar wheat, such as Bob’s Red Mill
2 Tablespoons olive oil
juice of 2 lemons
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
½ bunch fresh flat-leaf parsley, leaves finely chopped
¼ medium red onion, finely chopped
½ teaspoon kosher salt
bring the broth to a boil in a large saucepan.
pour in the bulgar, cover, remove from the heat, and let sit for 1 hour; drain.
combine the bulgar, olive oil, and lemon juice in a large serving bowl.
mix in the tomato, parsley and onion.
season with the salt.
note: tabbouleh is best when made ahead; at a minimum let stand for half hour before serving.
[I could eat this just by itself,, but the hubby prefers it with some grilled sausages].

[[majority of my recipes are taken from The Fresh 20 by Melissa Lanz. you can find her website here. ]].
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
kitchen life [[Coconut Curry-style Fish w/ Lime Coconut Rice]].
[Coconut Curry-Style Fish with Lime Coconut Rice]

the hubby wasn’t too stoked about this when I told him what was for dinner,,
low and behold.. it’s loved and requested.
for the coconut curry-style fish:
1¼ lbs boneless, skinless fish fillets (any variety), at least 1 inch thick
1 Tablespoon grapeseed oil
½ medium red onion, finely chopped
1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
2 garlic gloves, minced or pressed
1 pint grape or cherry tomatoes, cut in half
1 teaspoon ground cumin
½ teaspoon kosher salt
¼ teaspoon black pepper
½ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1½ cups coconut milk
-wash the fish and pat very dry. Cut into 2 inch pieces
-heat the oil in a medium saucepan over medium high-heat
-add the onion, ginger and garlic and sauté until softened, about 3 minutes.
-add the tomatoes and sauté for another 3 minutes, stirring frequently to break up the tomatoes
-add the cumin, salt, black pepper and cayenne. Stir to combine, and cook for 2 minutes.
-add the coconut milk. Bring to a simmer, add the fish, and cook for 3-5 minutes, until the fish is opaque throughout.
- serve over rice.
for lime coconut rice:
1 cup coconut milk
2 limes, juiced
¼ teaspoon kosher salt
2 cups prepared brown rice
-bring the coconut milk, lime juice and salt to a low simmer
- stir in the prepared brown rice and cook for 5 minutes until heated through and some of the liquid is absorbed.
the narrow path.// of seeds, and olive trees, and the Son of Man who paved the way.
these days. this
“what is this life we live?”
a friend responded.
brief, and but for a moment.
yet full of opportunity to bear fruit,, and fruit that REMAINS. [[for eternity]].
[you are walking the narrow path. keep your eyes on Me].
hard. and rugged. often untraveled by most. Winding and twisting, through unknown terrain. Footing often unsure. Usually just enough light for the next step you must take. Fully exposed to the elements of life.
rain. and wind. and heat. Storms and valleys.
distractions and discouragement pressing in.
with the mocking of those trotting down the path, wide and easy,
and yet leading somewhere they don’t even realize. [there is a way that seems right unto man, but its end is death].
and so we choose to lose this life now, for His sake, so that we may find it.
life and life abundant. that which He came to give.
the way of the narrow path.
not the easy one.
but the one we can walk, with the Lord set always before us.
not the popular, common, socially acceptable and politically correct one.
but the one where we can lay eyes on the face of the Son of Man.
because there is no where else we'd rather look.
and no other face we'd rather be set on.
knowing fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore.
even as we walk the way pioneered before us,
by the Man who was despised and rejected.
a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
seeing true beauty,
following the Man who had no beauty that we should desire Him.
experiencing full freedom,
walking in the steps of the Man who was oppressed and afflicted,
the One who suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow in His steps.
in the steps of the One who grew up like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground…
a shoot from the stump of Jesse,
and a branch from his roots that bears fruit.
and we are born again, not of perishable seed,
but of imperishable (1 Peter 1:23)
[[the seed of Christ.]]
“seed [the chief means of plants reproducing themselves].
the fruit that is produced by the plant contains the same seed that the plant originally was started by.
this is what guarantees the same identity within the species.
[no seed can produce a lesser plant than the plant it came from. As is the seed, so is the plant and so is the fruit.]”
(such a great salvation, Mike Petzer)
and we know our identity is in Him.
Christ in us, the hope of glory.
the only hope of walking this narrow path.
the only hope of keeping our eyes fixed on Him.
the only hope of glory, both now and then.
because with fear we know,
that for the man who walks the wide, easy way,
“who would not make God his refuge, but trusted in the abundance of his riches and sought refuge in his own destruction”,,
God will snatch and tear and uproot him.
{psalm 52:5-7}
but with David our hearts sing,
“But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God.”
{psalm 52:8}
and just as He came up like a root out of dry ground,
and just as the olive tree is known for it's durability and constancy, despite conditions,
we will grow and thrive in any circumstance.
no matter the storms or the heat,
we will continue to bear fruit.
no matter how dry the ground,
we live from the streams of living water within.
and just as the olive tree is a symbol of faithfulness and steadfastness,
we will walk this narrow way of life,
steadfast to the end.
useful and set apart.
a source of substance, light and healing to those around us.
bearing fruit,
and planting seeds in the wide, and easy path.
to see life spring up.
and man’s true identity restored.
because Jesus knew,
that “unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone…”
and He knew what He had to do,
“…but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” (john 12:24)
and He set His face to Jerusalem,,
for the joy set before Him.
in order to reproduce Himself within us.
and so we die to ourselves.
we lose our lives, for His sake.
for what we sow, we shall reap.
and we sow the Seed within us.
to reap a harvest for His glory.
because He is the Seed that fell into the ground
and died.
and He is the Plant that sprang up and produced much fruit—us.
what is this life we live?
-short-. “what is this life we live?”
a friend responded.
brief, and but for a moment.
yet full of opportunity to bear fruit,, and fruit that REMAINS. [[for eternity]].
[you are walking the narrow path. keep your eyes on Me].
hard. and rugged. often untraveled by most. Winding and twisting, through unknown terrain. Footing often unsure. Usually just enough light for the next step you must take. Fully exposed to the elements of life.
rain. and wind. and heat. Storms and valleys.
distractions and discouragement pressing in.
with the mocking of those trotting down the path, wide and easy,
and yet leading somewhere they don’t even realize. [there is a way that seems right unto man, but its end is death].
and so we choose to lose this life now, for His sake, so that we may find it.
life and life abundant. that which He came to give.
the way of the narrow path.
not the easy one.
but the one we can walk, with the Lord set always before us.
not the popular, common, socially acceptable and politically correct one.
but the one where we can lay eyes on the face of the Son of Man.
because there is no where else we'd rather look.
and no other face we'd rather be set on.
knowing fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore.
even as we walk the way pioneered before us,
by the Man who was despised and rejected.
a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.
seeing true beauty,
following the Man who had no beauty that we should desire Him.
experiencing full freedom,
walking in the steps of the Man who was oppressed and afflicted,
the One who suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow in His steps.
in the steps of the One who grew up like a young plant, and like a root out of dry ground…
a shoot from the stump of Jesse,
and a branch from his roots that bears fruit.
and we are born again, not of perishable seed,
but of imperishable (1 Peter 1:23)
[[the seed of Christ.]]
“seed [the chief means of plants reproducing themselves].
the fruit that is produced by the plant contains the same seed that the plant originally was started by.
this is what guarantees the same identity within the species.
[no seed can produce a lesser plant than the plant it came from. As is the seed, so is the plant and so is the fruit.]”
(such a great salvation, Mike Petzer)
and we know our identity is in Him.
Christ in us, the hope of glory.
the only hope of walking this narrow path.
the only hope of keeping our eyes fixed on Him.
the only hope of glory, both now and then.
because with fear we know,
that for the man who walks the wide, easy way,
“who would not make God his refuge, but trusted in the abundance of his riches and sought refuge in his own destruction”,,
God will snatch and tear and uproot him.
{psalm 52:5-7}
but with David our hearts sing,
“But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God.”
{psalm 52:8}
and just as He came up like a root out of dry ground,
and just as the olive tree is known for it's durability and constancy, despite conditions,
we will grow and thrive in any circumstance.
no matter the storms or the heat,
we will continue to bear fruit.
no matter how dry the ground,
we live from the streams of living water within.
and just as the olive tree is a symbol of faithfulness and steadfastness,
we will walk this narrow way of life,
steadfast to the end.
useful and set apart.
a source of substance, light and healing to those around us.
bearing fruit,
and planting seeds in the wide, and easy path.
to see life spring up.
and man’s true identity restored.
because Jesus knew,
that “unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone…”
and He knew what He had to do,
“…but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” (john 12:24)
and He set His face to Jerusalem,,
for the joy set before Him.
in order to reproduce Himself within us.
and so we die to ourselves.
we lose our lives, for His sake.
for what we sow, we shall reap.
and we sow the Seed within us.
to reap a harvest for His glory.
because He is the Seed that fell into the ground
and died.
and He is the Plant that sprang up and produced much fruit—us.
what is this life we live?
but the life laid down,,
and born again.
and the fruit bore,,
on the narrow path.
Monday, February 24, 2014
kitchen life [[sweet potato toddler (&mom) muffins]].

1 cup rolled oats
1 cup wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
¾ teaspoon nutmeg
¾ teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup mashed sweet potato
½ cup brown sugar
3 tablespoons canola oil (or applesauce)
¼ cup milk
1 egg
preheat to 375.
mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl.
in a separate bowl mix the mashed sweet potatoes with the brown sugar, oil (applesauce), milk and egg.
combine the sweet potato mixture with the dry ingredients.
put into greased muffin tin, or use muffin liners.
bake for 15-20 minutes.
[the mixture is always pretty thick, so i found adding a little bit more applesauce at the end helps make them not so dense, if that’s what you prefer & mine are always done at 15 minutes].

Friday, February 21, 2014
kitchen life [[hummus]].

two 15-ounce cans chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1/2 cup olive oil, plus more for drizzling
juice of 1 lemon
2 garlic cloves
1.5 teaspoons kosher salt
1 Tablespoon tahini (recipe posted below)
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 teaspoon sweet hungarian paprika
(jazz it up with any other spices/seasoning, more garlic, etc).
in a blender, combine all the ingredients except the paprika and pulse on high speed for 30 seconds.
Scrape down the sides of the bowl and puree until smooth.
adjust the consistency and thickness to the desired level by adding the oil a little at a time.
sprinkle with paprika.
just before serving drizzle a little oil on top if desired. :)
and viola! healthy snack with pita chips, veggies, etc..
or put it on sandwiches/pitas :)
1 cup sesame seeds
1/3 cup olive oil
heat a saute pan over medium-high heat.
add the sesame seeds and toast lightly, about 2 minutes, shaking the pan to prevent burning.
remove from heat and let cool.
add the toasted sesame seeds to a food processor or blender, pour in the olive oil, and pulse on high for 2-4 minutes, until the tahini is somewhat smooth.
scrape into a airtight container, and store in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.
Side note: i actually use sunflower seeds instead of sesame seeds.
i did it on accident once, and actually like the taste better. who knew? :)
kitchen life[[homemade bread]].

2 packages regular active dry yeast
1/4 cup warm water (105°F to 115°F)
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup butter or margarine, softened
3 teaspoons salt
2 1/2 cups very warm water (120°F to 130°F)
4 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
2 3/4 to 3 3/4 cups all-purpose
in large bowl, dissolve yeast in 1/4 cup warm water. Add honey, butter, salt, 2 1/2 cups very warm water and 3 cups of the whole wheat flour. Beat with electric mixer on low speed 1 minute, scraping bowl frequently. Beat on medium speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl frequently. Beat in remaining 1 1/2 cups whole wheat flour.
With spoon,
stir in 2 1/4 to 2 3/4 cups of the all-purpose flour until dough pulls cleanly
away from side of bowl.
On lightly
floured surface, knead in remaining 1/2 to 1 cup all-purpose flour; continue
kneading 5 to 10 minutes or until dough is smooth and springy. Grease large
bowl with shortening or cooking spray; place dough in bowl, turning dough to
grease all sides. Cover; let rise in warm place 30 to 45 minutes or until
doubled in size.
grease 2 (8x4- or 9x5-inch) loaf pans with shortening or cooking spray. Gently
push fist into dough to deflate; divide in half. Shape dough into loaves; place
in pans. Cover; let rise in warm place 30 to 45 minutes or until doubled in
Heat oven to 375°F. Uncover dough; bake 30 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350°F; bake 10 to 15 minutes longer or until loaves sound hollow when lightly tapped. Immediately remove from pans to cooling racks. Cool completely, about 1 hour.
Heat oven to 375°F. Uncover dough; bake 30 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350°F; bake 10 to 15 minutes longer or until loaves sound hollow when lightly tapped. Immediately remove from pans to cooling racks. Cool completely, about 1 hour.
kitchen life[[baked oatmeal]].
i've never done this before.
and it may be very short lived..
but regardless, what else do you do the morning after a snow storm, except cook and bake and then blog photos of it? ;)
[[baked oatmeal.]]
1/2 cup vegetable oil (or applesauce if you prefer)
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 eggs beaten
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 cup milk
3 cups oats
(i added blueberries:) )
preheat oven to 350 degrees.
mix oil(applesauce), brown sugar and eggs.
add the rest of the ingredients- oats last.
mix and pour into a greased 8x10 baking pan.
bake for 30 minutes.
serve with a little greek yogurt, honey/fresh fruit.
and yum.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014
how easily can the [Visible Image of the invisible God] be seen in you?
[[i have set the Lord always before me]]
the phrase that finally, truly, accurately put into words,
the intention and desire and fruit of this past month.
and its been consistently flowing through my mind.
and as i set my face to seek Him one morning,
eyes peeled, ears tuned,
hands wide open,
saying, "Daddy, speak"
i opened the pages
containing those strewn together letters
that are spirit,
that are life, ,
and there it was..
"i bless the LORD who gives me counsel;
in the night also my heart instructs me.
i have set the LORD always before me;
because He is at my right hand, i shall not be shaken."
{psalm 16:7-8}
and He started to bring meaning.
having such a way with words as He does.
[before]- "neged"
what is conspicuous, what is in front of; straight forward, in sight of; before your face;
in your view or purpose.
and it comes from the root word "nagad"- to be conspicuous, tell, make known, announce, declare, confess; [messenger].
[conspicuous]- standing out as to be clearly seen; readily visible; attracting special attention.
i have set Jehovah right before my face,
in my sight,
in my view,
in my purpose,,
morning and night daily,
for all eternity.
nothing hindering or distracting my sight of Him. He is clearly seen,, readily visible,, what i can't take my eyes off.
and naturally,
because that is where i have positioned Him in my heart, my mind, my soul,,
He is what will stand out in my life.
He is the One who will be seen.
the attention will be drawn to Him.
my words, my thoughts, my actions, my motives, my desires, my lifestyle,
they will declare, announce, make known who HE is.
and i have decided, by His power, by His grace, by His Spirit,
to let nothing crowd Him out.
but walk with tunnel vision.
to not turn to the right or to the left,,
but keep Him straight in front of my face, always in view, always in my purpose.
and to live this pilgrimage as a [[messenger]],
in every way,
shouting and declaring who He is,
until i physically behold His face right in front of mine.
sadly,, the reality
is that Christ is all too inconspicuous in us.
[inconspicuous]- not very easy to see or notice; something that doesn't stand out or attract attention; discreet, hidden, concealed; unspectacular.
and i look to the Author and the Finisher of my faith,, because He set the Lord before Himself, always, perfectly.
constantly in the intimate presence of His Father,,
persevering,, walking always in His will..
[by maintaining a constant and actual sense of the presence of Jehovah].
and i know,
when He is at my right hand,,
the place of authority, honor, dignity and rulership,,
i have His promise, that i won't be shaken.
i won't be moved.
i won't waiver.
in any situation. in any trial. in any circumstance.
because He will be what i see.
and it's in His presence that i'll be.
untouched by the world.
on a pilgrimage.
to see His face. " i have set the LORD always before me;
because He is at my right hand, i shall not be shaken."
{psalm 16:7-8}
the intention and desire and fruit of this past month.
and its been consistently flowing through my mind.
and as i set my face to seek Him one morning,
eyes peeled, ears tuned,
hands wide open,
saying, "Daddy, speak"
i opened the pages
containing those strewn together letters
that are spirit,
that are life, ,
and there it was..
"i bless the LORD who gives me counsel;
in the night also my heart instructs me.
i have set the LORD always before me;
because He is at my right hand, i shall not be shaken."
{psalm 16:7-8}
and He started to bring meaning.
having such a way with words as He does.
[before]- "neged"
what is conspicuous, what is in front of; straight forward, in sight of; before your face;
in your view or purpose.
and it comes from the root word "nagad"- to be conspicuous, tell, make known, announce, declare, confess; [messenger].
[conspicuous]- standing out as to be clearly seen; readily visible; attracting special attention.
i have set Jehovah right before my face,
in my sight,
in my view,
in my purpose,,
morning and night daily,
for all eternity.
nothing hindering or distracting my sight of Him. He is clearly seen,, readily visible,, what i can't take my eyes off.
and naturally,
because that is where i have positioned Him in my heart, my mind, my soul,,
He is what will stand out in my life.
He is the One who will be seen.
the attention will be drawn to Him.
my words, my thoughts, my actions, my motives, my desires, my lifestyle,
they will declare, announce, make known who HE is.
and i have decided, by His power, by His grace, by His Spirit,
to let nothing crowd Him out.
but walk with tunnel vision.
to not turn to the right or to the left,,
but keep Him straight in front of my face, always in view, always in my purpose.
and to live this pilgrimage as a [[messenger]],
in every way,
shouting and declaring who He is,
until i physically behold His face right in front of mine.
sadly,, the reality
is that Christ is all too inconspicuous in us.
[inconspicuous]- not very easy to see or notice; something that doesn't stand out or attract attention; discreet, hidden, concealed; unspectacular.
and i look to the Author and the Finisher of my faith,, because He set the Lord before Himself, always, perfectly.
constantly in the intimate presence of His Father,,
persevering,, walking always in His will..
[by maintaining a constant and actual sense of the presence of Jehovah].
and i know,
when He is at my right hand,,
the place of authority, honor, dignity and rulership,,
i have His promise, that i won't be shaken.
i won't be moved.
i won't waiver.
in any situation. in any trial. in any circumstance.
because He will be what i see.
and it's in His presence that i'll be.
untouched by the world.
on a pilgrimage.
to see His face. " i have set the LORD always before me;
because He is at my right hand, i shall not be shaken."
{psalm 16:7-8}
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
knowing the present-tense God.
there is always fresh bread. 

it's just easier on the flesh to live off the old stuff.
and we eat it,
thinking it will sustain and satisfy the spirit man.
when we're really just feeding the flesh.
and what we think is bringing life,
is actually starving the Spirit.
quenching the hunger.
hiding the need to partake of Him daily.
and we eat the lie that there's really not fresh bread anyways.
that what we experienced and tasted before, will be enough for right now.
and we become content with our discontentment.
when God is saying, Come.
Come and see.
Come and see My provision daily.
Come and encounter Me daily.
Come and rely on Me daily.
Come and receive from Me daily.
and we're just like the Israelites,
trying to live off of yesterday's manna, instead of intentionally going to receive today's.
even though He [freely] gave it [daily].
and what originally bred life,
bred worms and stank when kept for tomorrow.
(exodus 16:20)
because it was never just about getting,
it was really about coming to a place of intimate knowing and trusting and depending on the One who gives.
and it was never just about surviving in the wilderness,
it was about growing and maturing spiritually to a place in knowing Him,
where the soul thrives in any situation, trial and circumstance, whether blessing or testing.
it's all about a present-tense knowing.
it's all about a present-tense hearing.
it's all about a present-tense encountering. [because He is the I AM],
not the I WAS, or I WILL BE.
because relying off of what was received yesterday,
and hoping to store up enough for tomorrow,
is never what He has intended for today.
[Receive fresh bread].
He freely lays out the substance of heaven for you every.single.morning.
so that you may know Him.
" the morning you shall be filled with bread.
then you shall know that I am the Lord your God."
(exodus 16:11).
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
[burning heat].
and that He knows the exact definition of them.
and that He chooses to speak to us so specifically through them.
with each new year,
I pray for a new word from Him.
to cling to, to expect, and to prophetically speak over the upcoming year.
in the middle of December,
feeling "bleh" from the hum drum of how the world, and even we, Christians, celebrate Christmas... and just wanting more of His presence and heart in that season, and less of the shopping and planning and busyness,
i randomly text a friend.

i immediately looked up the word "fervence." it simply said [[heat]]; fervency.
>> great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion; ardor
"she spoke persuasively and with ardor" <<
>>intense devotion; eagerness or enthusiasm; zeal<<
>>burning heat<<
and i knew this was my word for the year.
i wrote it down.
and began to pray and seek His heart on it.
on December 31st,,
while praying with some friends.
He spoke so clearly [[radiant]].
a word i've heard many a time, and prayed many a time.
and so i looked it up.
>>emitting heat or light<<
>>filled with light; bright<<
>>characterized by intense joy<<
He just kept speaking heat.
the entire first week of January,
left and right,,
all I've been hearing is Revelation 3:1-6.
“‘I know your works.
You have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead.
Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die,
for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God. Remember, then, what you received and heard. Keep it, and repent. If you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come against you. Yet you have still a few names in Sardis, people who have not soiled their garments, and they will walk with me in white, for they are worthy. The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’"
and the fear of the Lord is heavy.
He sees.
He knows my works.
He sees past the reputation.
what i think of my pursuit of God, what others infer about my pursuit of God, how i compare with other Christians,,
means nothing.
because it's His opinion that matters.
and He sees not only the fruit.
but the roots.
and what may look lively to others, and even myself, cannot manipulate Him.
He knows the entirety of my prayer life.
He knows when I'm just singing to sing.
He knows when my motives are not pure.
He sees the areas of halfheartedness.
He knows when true hunger fades.
He sees when genuine passion and love becomes routine.
He knows when even walking in the Spirit becomes religious.
and He's not impressed even if others are.
because let's be honest.
we all know how to "look alive".
"because only God and the honest, see the heart bare."
and in His mercy,
He says [wake up].
"I know what's inside you. the desire for Me.
strengthen what remains.
stir up the giftings and the callings.
allow Me to breathe Spirit on the embers barely burning,, barely hot...
lukewarm. "
a word i've always applied to others.
to those who clearly just go to church on Sunday, and that's all.. if even that.
a word no born-again Christian wants to relate to themselves.
or admit applies.
it means
>> only moderately warm; tepid.<<
antonyms: hot, cold.
>>(of a person, attitude or action): unenthusiastic; indifferent, cool, halfhearted, apathetic.<<
>>lacking conviction<<
>>having or showing little ardor, zeal or enthusiasm<<
the same degeneration,, showing evidence of decline, in Isaiah (2:21).
what once was a choice vine, wholly of pure seed,, becoming a degenerate plant of an alien vine.
what once was fiery hot,, passionate and genuine,, being affected by the surrounding atmosphere and temperature,, slowing losing heat and fervor over time.
and because it's not drastic. its subtle and over time.
its a scary reality,,
that our reputation,, our former heat,,
can deceive us into thinking we still are what we were.
when He knows,
we're not.
>> great warmth of feeling; fervor; passion; ardor
"she spoke persuasively and with ardor" <<
>>intense devotion; eagerness or enthusiasm; zeal<<
>>burning heat<<
fervency. the exact opposite of lukewarm.
His desire for me.
for us.
to burn for Him.
to truly be alive.
because its not about reputations. success. or impressions.
its about the God who sees.
and is an All-Consuming Fire. (hebrews 12:29).
" Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."
(Romans 12:10-12)
(a continuation from yesterday's post and walking in a tunnel)
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